Mola Mola is an expert team which, coupled with carefully selected, high-end technology solutions have potential to take your business to the new level of performance and innovation.
How do we deliver on such a promise?
We would start from your needs – placing your client in the centre, if you choose to do so. Starting from such a position, we visualise every step of the interaction flow between your client and your business. Simple and efficient transparency – from contact to contract; from order through delivery to cash; from complaint to its resolution; and many more.
We do this in order to empower your best people into high performance teams to collaborate in innovating and optimising those core business processes. This is delivered by finding and removing unnecessary steps, which create waste in the form of non-value-added costs, delays and risks. We will help you to recognise potential and deliver standardisation and consolidation of business functions, to gain simplicity and performance.
Then we are ready to remove digital barriers – information islands will be fitted with high throughput bridges, enabling smooth, all-digital end-to-end process. This will also enable process-centric end-to-end analytics, helping you to quickly answer the following questions:
1 | How much does it take to perform this end-to-end process? Which are the bottlenecks in the flow of that specific process? |
2 | Where are the best and the worst practices as the best and the worst executions of your business process? |
3 | Which areas are creating quality issues? |
4 | Which business processes are not compliant and may therefore create future costs and risks to our business operations? |
The same business process infrastructure is then used for another layer – to motivate, educate, and support all your employees and stakeholder community – clients, vendors and business partners which will have selective transparency over those elements which benefit both those stakeholders and your overall business performance. Forget boring procedures, welcome to engaging knowledge repository enabled by our Business Visualizer.
Key business rules and decisions can be automated, using powerful and flexible technologies which minimise the engagement of your IT – BRMS, Business Rules Management System, such as SCHUFA which is recognised as the premium solution for financial sector industry and which we have successfully implemented for automating important complex decisions of our clients.
You need to create a mobile experience for your core business application – why not engaging us to help you in defining premium user experience coupled with high-end functionality and performance? This also fully integrated into your overall business process and systems landscape.
We are a small expert team with full focus and commitment to business process excellence. We partner on a project basis with high profile individuals and teams to deliver custom solutions to our clients.
Mola Mola d.o.o.
Registered under Croatian Law, trade registry number: 080049802
European VAT ID: HR74052960753
Headquarters: Županići 2i, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Tel. +385 (1) 652 6034
Fax. +385 (1) 652 1985
MOLA MOLA, d.o.o. za inženjering, proizvodnju i usluge
Sjedište: Županići 2i, Zagreb
Registrirano na Trgovačkom sudu u Zagrebu
MBS: 080049802
MB: 1180347
OIB: 74052960753
Temeljni kapital: 20.000,00 kuna, uplaćen u cijelosti
PDV ID. BR. (VAT): HR74052960753
Banka: Zagrebačka banka d.d., Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 10, 10000 Zagreb
Žiro račun: HR8823600001000000013
IBAN: HR2723600001101528295
Banka: KentBank d.d., Gundulićeva 1, 10000 Zagreb
IBAN: HR7441240031129002670
Članovi uprave:
Mirko Lulić