
Public Sector

Public sector encounters major challenges in ensuring transparent and efficient management of public assets and public funds spending. Transparency and removing barriers between different government agencies i.e. organisational silos are certainly a top challenge.

Efficient delivery of public services often requires coordinated and efficient effort delivered from many different government agencies and private sector entities. In order to achieve such a goal, transparent business processes are a prerequisite. Another prerequisite is a clear definition of interoperability standards for data exchange between different information systems hosted by various government agencies and private sector participants.

In May 2000, the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) was launched as the first European quality management instrument specifically tailored for and developed by the public sector itself. It is a general, simple, accessible and easy-to-use model for all public sector organisations across Europe, and deals with all aspects of organisational excellence.

CAF is a total quality management tool developed by the public sector for the public sector, inspired by the Excellence Model of the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM®).

More than 3.000 public organisations have subscribed to use the CAF Model since its launch and thousands more across and outside Europe use it for their own specific development purposes.
The recent 2013 revision has made the CAF 2013 Model even stronger than before – better equipped to support the public sector to the benefit of all its stakeholders in general and the citizens in particular. Concepts such as users’ orientation, public performance, innovation, ethics, effective partnerships with other organisation(s) and social responsibility have been deepened, and should result in the creation of new opportunities for further development of public sector organisations.

CAF also serves as excellent system with the purpose of improving public sector organisation i.e. continuously improving throughput as well as quality and organisational load balance of public sector services, by balancing organisational and business process performance.

Our flagship tool, Business Visualiser, is fully featured to support CAF framework in public sector excellence.